
Information in English

In EnglishWelcome to our information in English. It is divided into the following five categories: Organization, Values, Talks, Sports psychology and Distance coaching.

Successful organizations and motivated employees

ORGANIZATIONMy work involves taking known success factors and helping you to apply these in your business. It is a question of getting the entire organization to work towards the same goals and ensuring that employees not only measure up to what the company stands for, but also perform at peak levels. This is achieved by focusing on the areas set out below.

Clear goals and visions
For an organization to be profitable and successful, clear goals and visions are necessary. Visions are based on the core that each company has – the reason why the company exists, the benefit offered by the company, the uniqueness of the organization. A company’s identity is at its core. It is also from the core that the company’s future development can be formulated. A strong vision gives a strong brand. In its turn, this leads to new, profitable contracts.

Focus on agile leadership
Developing an organization is largely a question of leadership. In my leadership initiatives, I focus on agile leadership. The latter revolves around adaptability and making the right decisions in specific situations. This is done by interpreting the surrounding factors, drawing conclusions and determining what is important at the point of time in question.

An agile organization draws its agility from good knowledge of the company, its values, strategies and processes. To this must be added communication. As regards leadership, the emphasis is on good self-awareness and good analytical ability.

Finding motivation within the organization

  • A pilot study to discover what there is within the organization
  • Active work on goals and visions
  • Focus on leadership

Creating growth through participation and commitment

VALUESA company’s values are an important base for a successful organization. What the company offers, what it stands for and how it wants to be perceived – all these have to be made clear.

Successful organizations do not simply declare their values, they ARE their values. They work actively with communicating the company’s values and culture. They also provide training in these.

It is by working with an organization’s inherent company culture and values that many of the possible obstacles to success can be overcome. This work involves revealing wrongs that arise from inequality, inefficient meetings, conflicts, leadership problems and much else.

Culture initiatives center on both insight and action.

Through my work, I help your company to:

  • Identify and clarify its values.
  • Carry out activities that lead to values and company culture permeating everything and providing guidance in day-to-day work.

Different behaviors in different working groups

TALKSI have been involved with the development of human resources (both as individuals and as groups) for over 20 years. My experience covers white and blue collar workers, male and female employees, other cultures, etc. This and the case studies I have collected offer a wealth of lessons.

My talks are both “easy-going” and, at the same time, concrete. In them, I share the knowledge I have gained on, for example, what happens when people develop as individuals and how they behave when they are to meet other people, work together and create long-term relationships.

My customers engage me for both short and long talks. I give talks on:

  • Leadership.
  • Communication.
  • Conflict management.
  • Presentation techniques.
  • How to develop multicultural and efficient groups.
  • How to achieve your goals.
  • Female and male communication/leadership.
  • Mental motivation.
  • Intercultural communication.

How to build a winning team

SPORTS PSYCHOLOGYOne way for a company to achieve success may be to import knowledge from outside its own sphere. In my work, I combine my knowledge of the business world with my know-how from sports psychology. I have found that there are many points of contact between the two worlds. Companies can learn much from the sports world’s thoughts and strategies in respect of groups, leadership, goals and performance.

In addition to my academic accolades and personal interest in sports psychology, I have also done a great deal of work with various teams and players. I have coached athletes and players from the worlds of football, tennis and handball. One particular role was as coach and motivational speaker for a regional youth team that reached the finals of the Swedish championships.

My method is to work with companies in the same way that I work with individual athletes. I focus on how to strengthen performance and reach goals. One element in this is helping to analyze strengths, weaknesses, mental obstacles and group dynamics.

Coaching on your terms

DISTANCE COACHINGDistance coaching is coaching that takes place via telephone, email or an online application such as Skype. My long experience in a global organization has shown me that distance coaching works well and is an effective alternative to personal meetings.

You can receive coaching when it suits you, no matter where you happen to be. Your agreed coaching sessions take place without interruption even if you are travelling or are not at your usual base. Furthermore, web coaching can have some advantages over personal meetings. Coaching by email gives time for reflection and consideration.

I offer both regular and “occasional” distance coaching.

Regular web coaching includes a first try-it-out session. This is free. It is only after this session that we draw up a plan for regular discussions.

Occasional distance coaching is a good complement to regular coaching.

In all coaching, I adhere to the International Coach Federation’s ethical guidelines.